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13 to 24 of 881 results for Egypt
Black-topped Red Ware Jar
Predynastic Period, 3400-3200 BCE
Relief from the False Door of Khent-en-ka.
Old Kingdom, late Dynasty 5, 2500-2420 BCE.
Relief from the False Door of Khent-en-ka
Old Kingdom, late Dynasty 5, 2500-2420 BCE
Fragment of a Relief: Nefertiti Offering to the Aten
New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, reign of Akhen-aten, 1353-1336 BCE.
Roman Period, about 50 BCE-100CE
Portrait of a Woman
Roman Period
about CE 50
Fragment of a Relief: Meret-aten
New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, reign of Akhen-aten, 1353-1336 BCE.
New Kingdom, Dynasty 18-20
New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, reigns of Amenhotep III-Akhenaten, about 1400-1350 B.C.
New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, reigns of Amenhotep III-Akhenaten, about 1400-1350 BCE