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Luba Peoples, Shankadi subgroup
Early 20th century
Nkisi (Power Figure)
Songye people
mid 19th-early 20th century
Shrine Figure
Yoruba people, Owo subgroup
16th or 17th century
Epa Helmet Mask: Mother of Twins
mid-19th to early 20th century
Baule People
early 20th century
Palm Wine Cup
Kuba Peoples
Early 20th century
High-Backed Stool
Luguru people
late 19th-early 20th century
Kuduo (container)
Akan people, Asante subgroup
18th-19th century
Ceremonial Stool of Nana Azia-Ntoa III
Baule People
early 20th century
Scepter/Tobacco Box
Chokwe people
late 19th century, probably before 1887
Crest Helmet
Ejagham people, Ekoi subgroup
early 20th century
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