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Wall of the Sea

Wall of the Sea

Artist: Takashi Ishida (Japanese, born 1972)
Date: 2007
W: 5.4 cm; Diam.: 4 cm.
Medium: 3 channel HD video (sound)
Classification: Time-Based Media
Credit Line: Gift of The Georgia Welles Apollo Society
Object number: 2013.41
Label Text:Three videos of images of the actual sea and images of Takashi Ishida’s painting of the sea are simultaneously projected in the artist’s Wall of the Sea. Ishida presents his process and progress on the painting non-linearly as it is produced on the wall and floor of a gallery. The process is also presented through stop-motion animation (a labor-intensive process where every small movement is individually photographed). He removes the limitations of traditional film by having his work “[flow] outside of its framework—collapsing the boundaries between film, painting, performance, and sculpture as the moving image is realized in space.”

The characteristic clicking and whirring sound of an old-school projector further emphasizes both the literal wall of the gallery on which the images are projected and the projected “wall of the sea.”
DescriptionIn this installation, three different images—which were shot in the same room—are projected by three projectors. One projection is the various retakes of images of the sea. The other two images are the painting animations, which is expanded onto the room. A sound of an old-school projector and music works on water by Morris Label can also be heard throughout the video
Not on view