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The Trinity with Saints Gregory and Romuald

The Trinity with Saints Gregory and Romuald

Artist: Placido Costanzi (Italian, 1702-1759)
Date: 1726
H: 62 in. (157.5 cm); W: 30 in. (76.2 cm)
Medium: Oil on canvas
Classification: Paintings
Credit Line: Purchased with funds from the Libbey Endowment, Gift of Edward Drummond Libbey
Object number: 1975.10
Label Text:Placido Costanzi painted this work as a sketch for the large ceiling fresco in the nave of the church of San Gregorio Magno, Rome. At the top of the painting is the Trinity: the dove representing the Holy Spirit, God the Father on the right, and Christ on the left. Kneeling below God the Father are Saint Gregory (right), in whose honor the church was built, and Saint Romuald, founder of the Camaldolese order of monks housed at San Gregorio.

Below these figures, white-robed Faith sits enthroned with representations of the Four Continents kneeling before her: Europe (crowned and wearing a vivid blue cloak with traces of gold); immediately next to Europe is the New World/America; in the background is Africa, with an elephant headdress; and bowing low is Asia. Heresy falls backward, defeated.

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