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Untitled (We will no longer be seen and not heard)

Artist: Barbara Kruger (American, born 1945)
Publisher: Peter Blum Edition, New York
Printer: Derrière L'Etoile Studios, New York
Date: 1985
Overall: 20 5/8 x 20 5/8 in. (52.4 x 52.4 cm)
Medium: Portfolio of 9 color lithographs with screenprinting
Classification: Prints
Credit Line: Purchased with funds from the Libbey Endowment, Gift of Edward Drummond Libbey
Object number: 1986.72A-I
Label Text:For this group of works Barbara Kruger collected nine photographs, some illustrating the sign language for the deaf, cropped them for dramatic effect, added one word to each, and reproduced them as lithographs. The superimposed words do not correspond to the signs’ original meanings. In keeping with the artist’s wishes the pictures can be arranged as displayed here, reading “We will no longer be seen and not heard” or, the order can be switched to read “We will no longer be heard and not seen.”

Kruger’s work has a mass media look, especially like the commercial advertising seen on billboards. Like advertising, there is in her work an image/message designed to engage the viewer. Her provocative messages explore the images of language and the power of stereotypes. “Basically I want to be effective in making changes in power relations,” Kruger explains. “And my area of acuity is working with images and words.” In this work Kruger extols those who are undervalued to resist oppression.
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