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Catholicon, leaf

Catholicon, leaf

Printer: Johann Gutenberg (German, d. 1468)
Author: Johannes Balbus (Italian, active late 13th centry)
Date: 1460
Overall: 10 3/8 x 15 3/4 in. (26.3 x 40 cm)
Medium: Printed Leaf
Place of Origin: Germany (Mainz)
Classification: Books
Object number: 1929.194
Label Text:The last major printed work attributed to Gutenberg is the CATHOLICON, a large encyclopedic Latin dictionary written by the Dominican Balbus. Although the book is dated , the printer was not named. The attribution is based on the colophon which stated: "By the help of the Most High, at Whose nod the tongues of infants become eloquent, and who offtimes reveals to the lowly that which he hides from the wise, this noble book Catholicon, in the year of our Lord's Incarnation 1460, in the bounteous city of Mainz...without help of reed, stylus or pen, but by the wondrous agreement, proportion and harmony of punches and types has been printed and brought to an end."
Note that the size of the type is considerably smaller than the letter forms in Gutenberg's 42-line Bible (displayed nearby). It was more economical to fit more words onto the page than to have more pages.
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