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William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories and Tragedies (Second Folio)

William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories and Tragedies (Second Folio)

Artist: Martin Droeshout (British, 1564-1616)
Printer: Thomas Cotes (for Robert Allot), London
Author: William Shakespeare (British, 1564-1616)
Date: 1632
Overall: 142 1/2 x 83 3/4 in. (362 x 212.7 cm)
Medium: printed book; engraved portrait on title page
Place of Origin: London, England
Classification: Books
Credit Line: Museum Purchase
Object number: 1923.3113
Label Text:In the first quarter of the 17th century, the two most-often printed books in the English language appeared: The King James Version of the Bible, and the First Folio of Shakespeare's plays. Prior to William Shakespeare's death in 1616, only eight of his plays had been printed. Were it not for the printing of the First Folio in 1623 and the Second Folio in 1632 (this is the edition owned by the Museum), the complete works of Shakespeare would have been lost to posterity. The Folios are, therefore, among the world's great literary treasures.

The Second Folio is displayed here in honor of the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death (April 23, 1616) and in anticipation of a small focus exhibition later this year celebrating the Bard.

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